
by Martin Read

Feb 2011 MAR
30 31 1 2 3 4 5
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Ceci n'est pas une plaisanterie de brique.


Frame 1

Pigeater: This is becoming troublesome. I mean, it's one thing meeting a purple tentacle-humping weeaboo, but eldritch abominations from beyond time?

Frame 2

Pigeater: And where has the house gone? I was indoors a moment ago.

Frame 3

FX: Dimensional portal makes an "URP." noise and spits out a brick.

Frame 4

Pigeater: Perhaps I should go huff some hexane. At least then I'd have a reason for life not making any sense.

Disclaimer: If this comic makes sense, (1) stop huffing hexane (2) get help.

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